Spotify restores lyrics for free to its users

Thus, the choice was rather limited in May when the users were able to listen to only three songs per month.

Spotify: Lyrics back for all users
This year, Spotify made a strategic move that benefitted the non-subscribed users more than before. Sure, they can have the actual lyrics to the songs they listen to without anyone limiting their access as they used to do in the past.

A disputed test
Remember that back in May, Spotify had piloted restriction of lyrics where users who did not have a premium subscription would see only three songs and still pay for them, while the premium users can view all songs and artists they want.

The reaction of users
As expected, it provoked anger; a lot of anger from the free users who perceived it as Spotify’s stratagem to compel them pay for anew subscription services.

An improved free offer
However it must be noted that during this month’s earnings call, the company’s CEO Daniel Ek stated that the company intended to enhance the value prop for the users who are not subscribed. Some of the announced changes include the revival of song lyrics translations for all.

‘There are priority improvements in our pipeline for free product based on the existing performance in some of the markets,’ Ek said in the call. He also said that, more extra features will be integrated into the free experience over the next few months.


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