Lionsgate Makes a Deal with the Devil: AI Startup

The emergence of a new technological revolution of Hollywood
The future perspective of the film industry is that it is going to have new technological strikes. John Wick and Hunger Games studio Lionsgate is working with AI start-up Runway, after a report, which was published by the Wall Street Journal.

A contract for better and enhanced organization of production.
This will enable Runway to leverage on Lionsgate’s content library. Consequently, Runway will give Lionsgate a new custom AI that shall be incorporated in production and editing process. In an interview, Michael Burns, the vice president of Lionsgate Studio, said that he was worried that his studio would be left behind by other studios if there was no such a technological enhancement. ‘Runway is a best-in-class visionary partners in this space,’ said Burns, ‘and they will assist us in making AI to create new opportunities in the field of content creation at low cost. As per him, many directors are eager about the use of this technology in the pre and post production phases of their movies.

Substantial savings in perspective
Besides that technological aspect, this agreement should enable Lionsgate to obtain substantial cost-savings. Burns set a hope that the company will be able to shave off ‘millions and millions of dollars’ out of the deal. It is still speculation whether these savings will be at the cost of creative salaries as of this writing.

Accusations of copyright infringement
However, the arrival of Runway in Hollywood was followed by some controversy that had been expected in the given place. The highly disputed startup has also been found to be employing content unlawfully to feed its AI models. It has been reported by a former Runway employee that the company relied on YouTube videos from Disney, Netflix and other mainstream media to ‘teach’ its Gen-3 model. Sue is still pending for an Atlanta company Runway and other similar companies for copyright infringement by many artists.


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