Exynos 7870: Samsung’s new 14-nm processor for mid-range

Samsung has just announced the Exynos 7 Octa 7870, a new mobile processor engraved by it in 14 nanometers and reserved for mid-range smartphones. This is enough to offer very good performance and better autonomy.

  • Read also: Samsung prepares a new generation of processors in 14 nm

It is often said that today’s high-end is the mid-range of tomorrow and that’s partly true. If only a year ago, Samsung reserved its FinFET engraving process in 14 nanometers in the chip that can be found on board the Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge, today it invites itself on intermediate products.

Thanks to the Exynos 7870, the future ranges of Korean will be able to benefit from a fine engraving that will allow them to be faster and offer a better autonomy than their competitors. In addition, the consumer will finally get his money’s worth, even when he decides not to opt for a high-end at more than 700 euros.

Of course, this new processor will not offer the performance of a Galaxy S6. In fact, for now, Samsung has simply published an image and a small description of a dozen lines. It is not yet known what type of hearts will be on board, but we already know that there will be eight of them. According to Sammobile, this Exynos 7870 processor would be found on board the 2016 version of the Samsung Galaxy J7.

That said, a 14 nanometer engraving is not nothing because it is also of this finesse that benefit the latest Snapdragon 820 from Qualcomm and the Exynos 8 Octa that will be found alternately aboard the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge. Now even mid-range smartphones are well supplied, and this is also the case for Qualcomm, which recently launched the Snapdragon 650 and 652. This gives hope for the best for these smartphones often offered for less than 300 euros.