Faced with Apple, Google plans to launch its first processors

We told you a few days ago, Google wants to gain independence and especially control over the creation of components equipping its Android smartphones. By seeking to design its own processors, it would ensure a certain consistency in the manufacture of its products.

Like Apple and its Ax processors, offering its own chips with a well-defined specifications would allow the distribution of homogeneous components in accordance with the brand that has placed an order. The information announcing that Google would seek to develop its own processors is getting stronger and stronger and, if the principal interested has not really confirmed this news, the leads are conclusive.

After opening a post for a processor architect, the Mountain View company would be looking for a partner. If Apple has Samsung’s support for making its Ax chips, Qualcomm may be in discussions with Google, given that its Snapdragons are overwhelmingly found in Android devices around the world.

The Information newspaper reveals that this intention would have originated this fall, when the initial project was to create “a connection device for the company” operating exclusively on home-made equipment. This commitment would have resulted in the creation of the Pixel C tablet computer or even a desktop version of the OnHub router nothing is less safe but quickly, the desire to create its own processor has arrived.

This new positioning on the part of Google would allow it to occupy a strategic place in product development, making it able to take the lead in innovation, integrating for example compatibility with augmented and virtual realities within the next versions of Android, these require fine entanglements between hardware and software.

The problem is the choice of partner. By partnering with a low-end manufacturer, it would not necessarily ensure the production of state-of-the-art components. On the other hand, Apple dominates high-end chips with Samsung. Another way to harmonize Android Google fragmentation would be, in the event that architects reject its processors, to resume partnerships with Nexus manufacturers in order to create new terminals from scratch.
