For Qualcomm, octo core processors are just marketing

Qualcomm, which has just formalized its Snapdragon 820, a processor based on a quad core architecture, recently spoke out about eight-core processors and for the chip maker, it’s just marketing.

Qualcomm is promoting its Snapdragon 820.

A few days ago, Qualcomm provided the final details on its Snapdragon 820 processor at a news conference in New York City. As we’ve already seen, the chip, which consists of four custom cores, is expected to offer more power and 30% improved energy efficiency compared to the Snapdragon 810, thanks to its 14 nanometer engraving provided by Samsung.

But most of all, Qualcomm chose four hearts. Two focused on performance and the other two on autonomy. And according to him, this is more than enough for a processor intended for the high-end sector. While other manufacturers such as Samsung, Huawei and Mediatek offer eight cores, for the first two and ten for the third, Qualcomm told journalist Thomas Ryan of the semiAccurate website that offering so many hearts did not guarantee more performance.

The chip maker then added that it felt compelled to offer eight-core processors for marketing reasons. Statements that suggest that consumers are demanding octo core processors and providing them with what they want. Nevertheless, the company remains convinced that it is not the number of hearts that makes the performance.

Still, the Snapdragon 820 is literally being crushed by Samsung’s Exynos 8 Octa and its other octo or deca core competitors on Geekbench’s multi-core test. It remains to be seen whether it will be up to the task in terms of real use and whether Qualcomm’s chip will be able to match its competitors.
