Gogole ChromeOS va s’appuyer davantage sur la technologie qui alimente Android

Google renovates ChromeOS: an attractive comparison with Android
The internet giant, Google, has launched an ambitious project: to make significant changes to ChromeOS, its operating system dedicated to Chromebooks. These changes, while discreet to the general public, mark a crucial rapprochement with the technology that supports Android.

An Android foundation for ChromeOS
The cohabitation between the ChromeOS and Android teams is not a first. They have already collaborated in the past to provide features such as “the ability to run Android apps on Chromebooks” and the sharing of Android’s Bluetooth technology.

Now, Google has said that it will “embrace parts of the Android stack, like the Android Linux kernel and Android frameworks, as part of the foundation of ChromeOS.”

A beneficial rapprochement
There are several reasons for this strategic change. On the one hand, this transformation will optimize engineering efforts. On the other hand, it will allow for better compatibility between phones, accessories, and Chromebooks.

Google assures that it will “continue to offer the unmatched security, consistent look and feel and broad management capabilities that ChromeOS users, businesses and schools love”.

AI at the heart of ChromeOS
Another reason for this technological fusion is the broader integration of AI features. According to Google, this approach will make it easier to deploy new AI tools on a larger and faster scale across multiple devices.

These technological changes, although started, “will not be ready for consumers for some time”. However, Google promises a “smooth” transition to the revamped ChromeOS when it is ready to be deployed.


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