LG: a processor with Cortex-A72 for its future high-end

After waiting several years before launching its first Soc, the LG Nuclun, which is found at the heart of the LG G3 Screen, the Korean manufacturer was currently working on a new home processor,this time aimed at the high-end segment. A processor whose mass production is expected to start before the end of the year, with a view to integration into the firm’s future flagships as early as 2016.

LG would prepare a new Soc for its high-end.

As the Korean website DT.CO reports today. KR, LG had originally planned to develop a Core Octo Soc consisting of four A57 cores and four A53 cores. However, it would appear that the project was abandoned due to various technical problems. However, this is not to say that LG would have decided to give up because the Korean would already plan the sequel with a new House Soc.

As we learn from this latest report, this new octo core processor would be the third developed by LG but only the second to see the light of day. It would consist of four Cortex-A72 cores and four Cortex-A53 cores. The source states that it would be accompanied by a Mali GPU whose name is not specified but it could be the famous Mali-T880, recently formalized, in the company of the A72.

The production of this new LG processor should be entrusted to TSMC and the chip would be engraved in 20 nanometers. A point that may seem incompatible with a processor intended for the high-end of 2016 when we know that Samsung has just started production of its latest chip Exynos 7 Octa, engraved in 14 nanometers, and that within a few months, TSMC should burn Qualcomm chips in 16 nm.

It also remains to be seen how LG will impose this new Soc? Will it be reserved for only a few markets, as was the case with the Exynos?
