Samsung prepares four new processors, the Exynos 7422, 7650, 7880 and 8890

The latest news of the last few days encompassing Samsung mainly concerns the Galaxy S7. Here, however, the subject focuses more on the Exynos processors of future smartphones to be produced by korean namely the 7422, 7560, 7880 and 8890. You have already read some information on two of these models, here are some details.

Let’s start with the one that confirmed its existence before all the others, the Exynos 7422. Remember last August, as Samsung was preparing for its Unpacked event, rumors were still ling about the nature of the processor on the Galaxy Note 5, some sources were advancing a new 7422 and others were staying on the 7420.

The official presentation will confirm the presence of the latter nevertheless, the 7422 arrives at its pace. ARM octo-core architecture processor with each core powered by a Cortex A-53 and A-57 (or A-72?). Engraved in 14 nm, it isone of the smallest SoCs on the market.

This small size has its advantages because it allows a reduction in energy consumption, i.e. it will last longer at full throttle than a current chip. This decrease in consumption will also reduce lost heat, making it easier for manufacturers to find a prime location for this component, which is usually so capricious because of the heat source that can be a problem with other elements.

Make way for Exynos 8890. We’ve actually told you a little bit about it through impressive benchmarks. This processor is also known as “Mongoose” or Exynos M1 and is expected to power some of the future Galaxy S7.

For this model, Samsung would have liked to develop its own processor core like Qualcomm with its Krait and Kyro, the latter having to be present in the future Snapdragon 820. This is the 8890 that would prove to be the first custom Samsung processor. Supposedly clocked around 2.3 or 2.4 GHz, on benchmarks, it turned out to be 60% faster than the 7420. It would also be engraved in 14 nm.

Finally, the Exynos 7880 would be equipped with Cortex A-53 and A-72 cores in big architecture. Little. The rest of the information is still a bit vague but this processor should be aimed at the manufacturer’s mid-range products, such as the Galaxy Ax. Latest news, Samsung would also look to develop and integrate its own graphics chips for its upcoming Exynos.

A fourth has appeared alongside initial technical information, the Exynos 7650 which could, unlike the 7880, be aimed at smartphones from factories other than Samsung’s. Still, this image has some technical features on these two processor models.
