The Snapdragon 620 superior to the Snapdragon 810 on some benchmarks

By the end of the year, Qualcomm will have launched two new processors, the Snapdragon 620, which will take over from the S615 and the S820 to replace the Snapdragon 810. While the latter two, from the 800 series, are aimed at high-end devices, the first two are from the 600 series and are therefore intended for mid-range devices. However, given the benchmarks, the performance gap between the S620 and the S810 is minimal.

  • Related: Snapdragon 810, what improvements to look forward to the new version

The Snapdragon 620 processor passes its first tests.

Like the Snapdragon 615, the Snapdragon 620 is equipped with eight hearts. But instead of offering eight A53 cores, it offers four A53 cores with four A72 cores,clearly and powerful as the A57s found in the 64 Bit processors for today’s high-ends like the Snapdragon 810. And it’s also felt on benchmarks since the Soc reaches a score of 1513 points on the single core test of Geekbench 3.3.2 and 4051 on the multi core test.

For comparison, the Snapdragon 810 tested here on a Xiaomi Mi Note Pro achieves a score of only 1227 points in single core and only outperforms the S620 on the multi core test with a score of 4424 points. But that’s not all because, on the single core test, even the Exynos 7420 of the Galaxy S6 remains behind with a score of 1486 points.

  • On the same theme: A72 hearts in Snapdragon 620

On the multi core test, the Snapdragon 620 comes last but its score of 4051 points remains excellent and in general, this first benchmark gives hope the best for future smartphones that will be equipped with it. The difference with the S810 is not as big as you might think


Snapdragon 620

Snapdragon 810

Exynos 7420
