Windows 11 will still have Windows 3.1 interface elements

Much is said in the Windows 11 interface, which is, in fact, the main attraction of the next version of the system. The leaked ISO revealed the new Start menu and even some changes to icons present since Windows 95. However, in the light of all this change, some elements of Windows 11 remain unchanged – or almost – such as dialog boxes.

As Windows Latest points out, Microsoft has made some subtle adjustments to the Windows 11 dialogboxes, including slightly rounded and shaded edges, to consistently match the other parts of the interface. However, they remain essentially the same since Windows 3.1.

Other legacy programs, including Windows Device Manager, have also been adapted for better visual integration.

In practice, this means that despite everything new in Windows 11, Microsoft is not rewriting (or redesigning) the system from scratch, contrary to the expectations of some people who were excited after the promise of the “most significant windows update in the last decade.”

Windows 11 can bring performance improvements
Contrary to what many people think, maybe Windows 11 isn’t just a pretty face, after all. A user who experienced the leaked build (which is not yet the final version of the system), claims that the new platform brings some major performance improvements over Windows 10.

According to YouTuber Ben Anonymous, Windows 11 has boot time of 13 seconds instead of 16. He also conducted some performance tests, including one on Geekbench, in which single-core increased from 1,138 to 1,251, and in multi-core was from 6,284 to 7,444.


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