X accused of using EU users’ data to train Grok without their consent

Last month, the Irish Data Protection Commission stayed that they are going to sue the company.

Another subnet of X, owned by Elon Musk experiences lawsuits in Ireland
The cables also hold a valuable point which is useful to draw prospects attention to a fact in the technological news. Therefore, it is X, which is Elon Musk’s company, that the Data Protection Commission of Ireland has resolved to prosecute. In question is the propriety of employing European subjects’ public writings on X as training data for the company’s AI.

The DPC’s worry on the employ of user data
The DPC is indeed concerned that the user data of Europe is to be used to further improve the next version of Grok which Musk has claimed intends to release later in this month. Moreover, the change made by X in July made an option turn on by default for all users, the platform uses their public posts to train the AI more.

GDPR violation: that is the central point of conflict
This has vexed the DPC which claims that X was processing the data of its european users in excess of necessity while it failed to abide by the planned mitigation measures. In her opinion, X trained Grok using the user data, which is against the provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In fact, the company might be subject to a maximum fine of up to 4% of the company’s total annual worldwide turnover.

Le déficit concernant la base légale du traitement des données des utilisateurs
TechCrunch notes that there should be a proper legal ground to transfer the EU users’ data the regulation compliantly. Still, the DPC believes that X may have no legal authority to take the action he has done. Furthermore, Twitter, X’s Irish division, is said to have declined to cease the processing its users’ data and to delay the next version of Grok as the commission demanded.

AI enthusiasts and privacy guardians will have the last word in that; the matters depend on the courts.


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